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Limburg Kempen

The network of the province of Belgian Limburg stretches across the Limburg Kempen and boasts 600 km of signposted paths. The network is signposted with junctions like the cycle route network. Useful if you’re already familiar with this.

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Weert and surroundings

In Weert, there is a cross-border junction network of 80 km of signposted paths. You can easily connect to the network of the Limburgse Kempen in Belgium and the municipality of Cranendonck.

Please note: the Zuid-Willems Canal interrupts the route network.

In the area north of the Zuid-Willems Canal, the ‘Weerter-‘ and ‘Boshoverheide’ are crossed. South of the Zuid-Willems Canal, riders and drivers pass through the ‘IJzeren Man’ area, ‘Kruispeel’, ‘Laurabossen’, ‘Wijfelterbroek’, ‘Stramprooierheide’ and the ‘Tungelerwallen’.

The Weert equestrian and carriage-driving map is available from the web shop, the tourist offices and visitor's lounges.

The websites (enter Tourism Limburg as a search term) and allow you to map out your own route.